Amgele Ashray
After 20 days of superb vacation at home (seriously this was one of the best vacations ever as we didnt do anything :) we enjoyed family time all the days and complete Shrusthi at Anantheshwar temple after many many years) it was time for us to packup and start back to Berlin.. I was feeling bad that I did not paint one for our home which my mom has been hinting since the first painting, I said I will do it once I am back in Berlin..... But could read my Mom very well, she wanted one painting before we start to Berlin..
30th evening was our flight from Manglore, All bags packed.. only my painting kit yet to get into the last bag, 2 big canvas left (from my first day shopping in school book company), somehow I was not feeling good about packing painting kit without painting one for our home.... Surprisingly, Mom who is always eager to get packings done... was also supporting that idea.. so I started one on the biggest canvas board I have ever painted..
30th evening was our flight from Manglore, All bags packed.. only my painting kit yet to get into the last bag, 2 big canvas left (from my first day shopping in school book company), somehow I was not feeling good about packing painting kit without painting one for our home.... Surprisingly, Mom who is always eager to get packings done... was also supporting that idea.. so I started one on the biggest canvas board I have ever painted..
When I shared this painting with some of my good friends who provide valuable feedback, one from UK said few great words about the meaning of this.. and I do agree with him.. While looking at this painting what it signifies (at least its my version and its my painting so ;) I do have a say) is that 2 birds are you and your spouse.. Your parents very near to you right on upper branch.... and the birds which are flying out are those whom you have helped, nurtured, thought how to fly and mentored all along.. they arent going too far, they are going to acheive something just like what you did years ago.. Bench is the place where you sat with your kids sharing them life lessons, teaching them how to be humans than being a rich person, sharing great stories from our rich culture...
When I finished.. Amma and Aanu (Dad) were so pleased and very happy to give this painting a prime place in living room. Took around 90-120 minutes for this one (may be) let all brushes dry and packed them in bags and we were off to Berlin in few hours............
It is framed and resides in Amgele Ashray (Amgele = Hamara, Ours in konkani) Ashray is name of our home !