A Barnhouse
By this time, I had done several of the nature related paintings and I have to admit that I still do not have courage to start a portrait or something which has human anatomy in it, Its not just difficult.. its bit challenging even to think of, so may be few more nature related landscapes and then I will venture out into next phase of my painting journey
After lot of mountains, lakes and tress etc, Tried this one which I call as 'Barnhouse', I had seen one similar to this in my good old friend Doug Hanner's (Columbus, Indiana) house and searched all over the internet for a reference photo, Found one through Alexander (A famous Oil painter) and started off on saturday with 40x30cms framed canvas
By looking at final one, I wonder why I spent too much time on sky, but I did spend too much time on sky and used a palette knife to draw the barnhouse, it wasnt easy as acrylic doesnt come that easily off of palette knife ! Still tried various angles and thickness and texture to bring it to this stage..
Garden or bushes next to house and in front were tiring, I tried painting some lilly flowers with violet etc, somehow it wasnt blending with overall painting and ended up making it just greener and yellowish.. pathway and then my sacred Bench :)
Did get some good reviews of this (One was - Windows are too bright !! true.. didnt realize that) and this looks better for naked eyes than a photo taken from a iPhone ;) Sneaky way of saying.. I am satisfied with this painting....
Hope you like it !! Its now stored along with many other finished paintings of mine ! Soon I need a bigger box or a rack to store finished ones..